Great Pay Per Lead Site Tips To Grow Your Business

Posted by | October 27, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments
pay per lead tips

Pay per lead benefits businesses tremendously. Many businesses find that it is necessary to acquire new customers constantly to grow. Very few of us have those customers simply waiting to sign on the dotted line. Yet, each new customer that we acquire adds to our revenue. A report provided through BPM forum states that 80% of all leads generated by most companies are not followed up on properly.

Your efforts at lead generation can really benefit you to the full if you apply the proper effort.

The Right Marketing Tools Should Be Used for Pay Per Lead

For those businesses trying to generate leads, the proper lead generation tactics must be applied.

Those tactics can include direct mail, PPC and email but all of them are designed for the purpose of generating leads. There are also other marketing tactics that can be used. For example, social media, print ads and public relations. However, they tend to be better for brand awareness or generating some viral interest. In order to do the job properly, the right tools must be used.

Mapping the Process of Gaining Pay Per Lead

Most business owners understand how expensive marketing can be so they don’t want to waste dollars in the process. A written process should be created that shows exactly what takes place once the lead is generated.

Track and Measure Progress

Counting leads and measuring the generation of leads is a marketing metric that can easily help you to make the most out of the best leads coming into your database. Cost per lead is one of those metrics but you might appreciate a lead to sale ratio as a better tactic, because it tracks the lead until a sale occurs.

Defining a Good Lead from a Mediocre Lead

Your marketing and sales teams should work closely with you to identify the ideal customer as far as job title, function and demographics are concerned. It is important that you take it a step further and look for the needs of the customer, along with any concerns and desires that they may have.

When you have this information at your disposal, the message to the customer can be tailored according to their needs.

Pay Per Lead ImportanceScore the Leads Properly

Now that you can identify a good lead, a lead scoring system that is based on action and demographics can be created. The lead score can be assigned according to any number of different factors, including somebody visiting your website, coming to a webinar, downloading a document or visiting a tradeshow booth.

A Higher Score Means a More Likely Customer

Don’t stop trying

When you have a lead that says no, don’t simply toss them to the curb. The lead should be sent back to marketing so that further nurturing can take place until they are ready to make the purchase.

Here are some good sites in this arena:

Online Marketing and Sales

Your marketing and sales teams should follow the same page. The marketing team is responsible for taking care of leads until they reach a particular score in your system. When that occurs, the lead can then be transferred to sales. Both of those teams should come together in agreement on the process.

Attracting new customers is possible by using these simple steps. Each lead that you receive can be properly nurtured and then turned over to sales. A more important factor to consider is that it is possible to determine which marketing tactics are working the best for you and adjustments can be made accordingly.


About ECA Ray

Ray is a manager at ECA Tech Inc. , Toronto's leading Ecommerce software, website development and digital marketing company. He has been a programmer for 28 years. He has some good experience in integrating designs to various software. He has volunteered in numerous IT related free training courses all over North America and contributes articles on numerous blogs. He also participates in continued education classes at local colleges.

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